We have gathered many beautiful moments during our journey
An older person standing next to the Kiosk Echami A Ito Association helped her set up through the Save A Granny (SAG) project.
Equipping older farmers with farming tools to enable them to grow their own food and become food secure.
Meeting ADH Climate Smart Agricultural Project Beneficiaries at Naremit
Hon. Pauline Lokuruka, a director at Echami A Ito distributing self-care packages to secondary school children at Kataboi Secondary School. This is in aid of helping the girls practice proper Menstrual hygiene practices.
Echami A Ito Association directors holding one of their regular meetings.
Members of the civil community taking part in an Anti-Femicide march.
Echami A Ito Association partnered with Agricultural Extension officers from the County Goverment of Turkana educating people on how to deal with the fall army worms at Lodupa Farms.
Distributing food to older persons at Napeikar, Turkana Central as they also receive farming implements from Echami A Ito
A disabled older person is grateful to receive a food basket during monitoring of ADH climate smart agriculture project monitoring event at Kodopa, Central Turkana
Hon. Pauline Lokuruka speaking to beneficiaries of Echami a Ito climate smart Agriculture program on the importance of tree planting.
Echami a Ito Welfare association chairperson Alice Chai hands over keys to a motorbike donated by Help Age. The motorbike was donated to aid monitoring operations of ADH Climate Smart Agriculture projects.
Akai Lokisoro a beneficiary of Climate Smart Agriculture and Livelihoods Support project where under outcome 3 older persons are supported with seed capital to do Income Generating Activity(IGA) a project funded by Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH) and HelpAge International through Echami A Ito Welfare Association.
“The profit that I get from the goods I sell help me to pay school fees for my grandchildren and buy food for them” – she said.
“Thank you ADH for the money received to start the food kiosk.” said Akai Lokisoro.
Akai Lokisoro runs a small kiosk and also sells charcoal with support of Echami a Ito and Help Age Kenya. Under the ADH-IGA program.
Lactating mothers from flood flood affected villages along Kawalathe river receive dignity kits and baby diapers. They were beneficiaries of a relief distribution drive by Collaborative Centre for Gender and Development (CCDG) through Echami A Ito association. The women were living in an IDP camp at Lokarparae village, having been displaced from their respective villages by floods.
Older persons who are beneficiaries of the Save a Grandparent (SAG) project, a project sponsored by Help Age Kenya and implemented by Echami A Ito Association benefit from an Eye Checkup Clinic Camp organized by The National Council of People With Disabilities (NCPWD). The Eye care professionals were from the Eye clinic at Lodwar County Refferal Hospital and they were supported by the Fred Hollows Foundation.
Hon. Rhoda Loyor participating in Sanitary pads distribution and menstrual hygiene training exercise at Kataboi Secondary School, Turkana County.
The 16 Days of Activism is an annual global event held from the 25th of November every year to create awareness of, advocate against and protest against Gender Based Violence (GBV) perpetrated against women and girls. This year, Echami A Ito will take part in a peaceful protest march aimed at highlighting the state of GBV in the country and also the rampant cases of femicide that have been happening through out our county. There will also be a rally at the Livestock Sales Yard at Lodwar town to address issues to do with GBV.
Echami A Ito director Hon. Pauline Lokuruka participated in a march that marked the launch of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence. The event is used to create awareness and advocate against Gender based Violence against women and children.